As is usual for me, it is half past 11 on Sunday night and my to do list is not quite done.  I have all the "have tos" done - soccer medical forms, swim team registration forms, two packages wrapped up to get into the mail - but am now out of time to do the "like tos" - get a couple posts written or fiddle with bead combinations until inspiration strikes.  Think about the beading possibilities if only I could get by without sleeping :-) 

So instead of a usual post here is some lovely inspiration for the week - the wonderful greens, cool water, and incredible wild flowers of Mt Rainier, Washington.  We set out for a 1 mile hike up to the closest waterfalls, then decided to walk further, and then a bit further, until it became more like a 5 mile hike.  It was beautiful, but we set out without water and right before lunch time.  We parents failed in the "be prepared" department but we all survived.  The kids got to throw snow balls at each other in August and we got within a foot or two of a marmot (I will spare you the zillions of pictures we took of Mr Marmot) so all in all it was a great day.  Have a wonderful week!

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