I am catching up, but as I type 49 and 50, wow! It's hitting me how close Christmas is, and that 2015 is right around the corner. We Aulds have crammed a lot into 2014, but I wouldn't change a minute of it. When I take a moment to sit quietly a feeling of gratefulness washes over me. For all the chaos there is light and wonder...hey, isn't that the theme of these last two weeks? (wink wink)
This last Monday was gingerbread house making with my son's Scout troop. Somehow I went from assisting to leading it, which really just meant buying an extraordinary amount of sugar filled items, setting up tables, and watching them go for it. It was controlled chaos, and tons of fun. And I might have eaten my fill of gummy bears, too. This is Michael (in the middle) with his BFF Garrett (right) and Garrett's brother, Eddie (left).
Now on to lights, the theme for this week. We love decorating for Christmas, inside...
...and out!
But nothing beats this place in our neighborhood. Everyone knows it as "The Collingwood Lights." If you live in Northern Virginia, it's really worth a trip to see it. You can find info here.
See other well-lit posts here:

I can only imagine the chaos with the boys, but I bet it was fun! Your tree and house are beautiful. I love seeing the lights this time of year. I think every town has that one house or street that is a must see every year.