On Wednesdays I said I would talk about a new favorite book or blog, but I am going to change it up and talk about a great way to get info and be entertained - podcasts! Almost all are free, and be downloaded via iTunes or an app on your phone (I use Stitcher, which is free), or you can go direct to the specific web site.
A lot of the ones I listen to regularly are actually NPR programs, like the TED Radio Hour and Pop Culture Happy Hour. The first one takes a number of TED talks, grouped around a theme, and weaves in interviews with the talkers - it's always thought provoking. The second one is pure fun and covers TV, movies, books, etc without getting too much in celeb watching. If you are a mom you have to listen to Manic Mommies, it always has me laughing. Go check them out!
I am addicted to podcasts and audiobooks. Perfect to listen to while playing in my studio.