Week 50 - can you believe it?  Crazy!  It's funny that "Pop of Red" is the prompt this week. I feel like all I see is red after staining this (yay!  It's done!):

It goes with this pop of red we put up right around Thanksgiving...

And the final piece will be an accent wall behind the TV.  I am always enchanted by the names they give colors.  The middle one is called "Flag" and is my favorite.

See other pops here:

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  1. Busy, busy, busy. Want to head over here?

    It all looks gorgeous!

  2. I like all the red you are adding around your house.

  3. What a cool organizer. I can remember the entry in our house as I was growing up -- filled with shoes, mittens, book bags, scarves -- all in a pile. We sure could have used your skills!

  4. I love reading names on paint chips... (and nail polish bottles) I've actually bought nail polish because of 'it's' name! I think red is a really good accent colour too!

  5. What a great organizer! I would have liked one of those when my kids were little. I love all the red you are adding to you home.

  6. Oh what a perfect organizer - I'd love one for my house! And that color - yep, truly the perfect red!

  7. I could use some pops at my house....got time to come over???? Love pops...I love the deep rich reds!

  8. Great job on your pops of red. Really cool organizer.

  9. How cool is that! I love those shades of red!


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