I thought I would get crazy and post a second time this week.  I have my one and only craft show of the season next weekend, so I might even post pictures of jewelry in a few days.  But until then, let's talk about what glorious weather we had today, a picture perfect beautiful fall day.  I took this in our neighborhood, and someday I would love to live in a house right on Little Hunting Creek with views like this:

Michael and I did Scouting for Food this morning, which was why I was out and about early today, and then he had an audition at a place not far from the house, so I got to spend most of the afternoon doing long needed household chores.  Emma and I got a little further on staining the deck, then both kids helped un-Halloween the front of the house, and then Michael helped me pull up all the old tomatoes and peppers that are dying a slow fall death.  

I have always wanted to make something edible out of the post-Halloween pumpkin, and I finally got my chance today.  Not sure how it will come out, but I got the recipe for Pumpkin Butter here.

Seems kind of unseemly to look inside the pumpkin this way doesn't it?

The recipe said to peel the pumpkin which was impossible!  It bent my peeler.  I must have some kind of super tough pumpkin.  Anyway, I kind of hacked most of it off and the rest I trust will just get blended in.

Sugar, spices, and 8 hours in a crock pot - we'll see how it comes out later tonight!


  1. Love the lake shot. We headed up to a lake near us early Saturday am and got some awesome shots like yours! Please let me know about the butter - got a few pumpkins on our porch! :)

  2. Thanks for stopping by! I am curious, did this turn out? I have 2 pumpkins we didn't get carved but I'm not sure I'd like pumpkin butter...though I love everything else pumpkin.


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