This week Sally asked us to focus on what is the centerpiece, the central, most important feature of your day, week, month! It makes you comfortable, gives you joy, brings you piece of mine, or is simply a place of comfort.

For me this week, it's the last one.  Over the last couple months we've been trying to reduce the amount of eating out/take out we do, partly for budget and partly for health. It takes a bit more planning, and we might eat a few more sandwiches :-), but when we do go to a favorite restaurant, it's a real treat.  Work for me has been craaazy this week, so getting Thai food Thursday was a double treat - good food and I didn't have to cook.  And the quiet few moments while I wait for my food, in the soothing restaurant with lots of talismans surrounding me, sure was a welcome place of comfort.

See other centerpieces here...

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  1. Ooooh, I love Thai food, but our one Thai restaurant doesn't do take-aways :(
    It's a favourite Valentine's Day destination, though :)
    Great photos!

  2. I love Thai food. Looks like your restaurant has some great art.

  3. I enjoy going out for dinner... when we moved here there was a restaurant that stayed open all winter... now there isn't .. it was so nice to be able to go out for dinner on sat or sunday if we wated to without worrying about ferries! Love Thai food... Always something I look forward to when I travel!

  4. Looks like you had a relaxing dinner...and pre dinner! Great shots!

  5. I love Thai, too - and those photos! We started eating more at home about 2 years ago when my husband went on a drastic diet. It's made all the difference. Last week we both had our physicals and our doctor said we had A blood reports. He was very pleased and we knew it was worth it. To your health!

  6. Great shots and wonderful comfort/centerpiece! Now you have me hungry for Thai food! LOL!!! Cheers to your health, too! :-)

  7. Great that you got a relaxing meal.I mostly eat at home too.


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