Shhhhhh, don't tell, but I teleworked today so that I could spend some time with a good friend that stayed Sunday night at my house before heading home this afternoon. Her family and my family got introduced by a mutual best buddy in either 2001 or 2002. Our kids were in diapers back then and now two out of four are taller than she and I.
We headed downtown to see either the Air and Space or the Natural History Smithsonian, but one of the kids wanted to go take pictures of the United States Botanic Gardens (bless him!). This is another friend of mine's favorite place to visit - it's actually right next to the Capitol and it is a treasure. We wandered in and they were having a pretty elaborate orchid exhibition. Her son and I happily snapped pictures until the rest of the crowd drug us across the street to the American Indian museum and then off to great burgers for lunch.
Fun catching up and fun goofing off, and home in time to get my kids to their afternoon activities at a much more relaxed pace. Emma and I got in a quick "run" (run for her, slow jog for me), and I got to make some beads while Greg and Michael went to Scouts. If this is what my post-Air Force life will be like then, SOLD!, bring on July.
Until then, enjoy some lovely orchids...

Spectacular shots! Orchids are so amazing. Sounds like such a wonderful day. :)