1. I remember those teenage expressions! We got the crazy snow too but didn't have nearly as much fun!

  2. You managed to find the best of your family's expressions this week!

  3. That is a great selection of expressions. I really struggled with this week's prompt (I think I tried too hard) and you've done such a great job.

  4. Can't remember which days we got snow anymore... it seems like every day! That's what my cats look like this winter... totally depressed! I haven't made my snow angle yet this winter either... too much ice!

  5. Lots of interesting expressions! It looks like your family is making the best of another round of snow.

  6. Oh my - I can totally see why you purchased that artwork (which is so cute!). To see the 'two of them' sitting there together - priceless! It made my smile! I love all your other expression photos, too - especially everyone having fun in the snow. (haven't you guys all had enough of that silly white stuff by now?!!) :-)

  7. Great post! I loved all these pictures!!!!!! Especially your son...reminds me of expressions I see on my own boy when he's computing!

  8. What a great selection of expressions!

  9. It's not hard to see that you had fun in the snow by the expressions on their faces. Isn't it supposed to be Spring now?

  10. A wonderful selection of your family's expressions :)

  11. Great photos! You even made snow look like a GOOD thing! ;-)

  12. All your photos are great this week. I remember a Christmas many years ago when my teenage daughters covered their face like your teenage daughter, Such good memories.


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