It's amazing to me how I often have no ideas nor any pictures as the week comes to a close, yet somehow the right thing happens just in time.  Michael has his BFF over to spend the night tonight.  They've been buddies since they first joined scouts in first grade.  When they jumped in the car tonight it's as if they were continuing a conversation that had started long ago.  They made a beeline for their favorite computer game as soon as we got home and haven't come up for air since.  Their connection is fun to watch, and on this cold and rainy night, leaves Emma and I to lounge and watch girl TV and sip home made lattes.  Win-win!

See other connections here:


  1. So sweet. The connections kids make in the early years hold for ever.

  2. The perfect photo for this week! Just gorgeous :)

  3. Young friendships are so sweet. I hope they maintain it throughout their lives

  4. Friends...where would be without them! Awesome post!

  5. Ah, childhood friends. It's cool to have those connections where you can always 'pick up where you left off' and not skip a beat. Those are the best - hope they can always have that!! Great post!

  6. You have captured such a beautiful connection!

  7. Fantastic shot for the theme! Those childhood friendships are the best!


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